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Teeth in a Day

When dental implants were first introduced, the average healing period would be six months in length. People that had terminal dentition, would need to have the teeth extracted, let the area heal for 3-6 months, and therefore wear a removable denture during this healing period. This denture would cover the roof of one’s mouth, causing one to have difficulty eating, speaking, and keeping it in place.

Due to the advancements in implant design and technology in the last twenty years; we are now able to immediately attach temporary fixed teeth to the implants in the same day they are placed.

No longer do you need to wear a denture during the implant healing and fabrication of the final implant teeth. Failing teeth are removed and the implants are inserted into the jaw in the same day. If the implants are stable enough, a temporary implant supported teeth are fabricated and delivered at the same appointment. This approach is what is known as “Teeth in A Day”. Most patients prefer this option as it avoids the need for wearing a denture as well as the discomfort and insecurity associated with removable teeth.

The advantage of having this done in our clinic is that everything is completed in one location. There is no need to travel from one location to another. Both the surgical and prosthetic phases of treatment are all streamlined, creating less confusion, and much more efficiency on many levels.

Whether you are missing all your teeth or have hopeless teeth remaining, this solution maybe the one for you. Imagine walking in with dentures, or hopeless teeth, and walking out with a fully fixed beautiful smile of fixed non-removable teeth in the same day.

There is no need to go through multiple grueling surgeries, and no need for bone grafting (growing bone), with the “Teeth in A Day” (also know as All On) procedure. One surgical appointment, one location and you have fixed teeth.

  • NO MORE not being able to eat what you want and when you want, such as biting into an apple

  • NO MORE sore spots from ill-fitting dentures

  • NO MORE being self-conscious on how you look, and if your denture or teeth will move or fall out at a social gathering or function

  • NO MORE not being able to taste your food properly by having part of the roof of your mouth possibly being covered by a denture

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